A Gal with a Need for Speed!

I (Ruthie) span a few wheels yesterday on the track at Thruxton circuit, courtesy of Red Letter Days...the wheels in question belonging to a fantastic blue Ferrari F430 (see below-and my navigator is not asleep...he's obviously just swooning over my brilliant cornering!)...I know now, what a fantastic secret those petrol-head boys have been keeping from us all this time (move over boys-you've been hogging this one for far too long!)...She (Fiona Ferrari) is strong, responsive, sensitive to the touch (in fact, everything you'd wish for in a partner!) and she seems to hug you, just as she hugs the road...for the first time ever, I felt like a car was an extension of me (sorry Betty Beetle Luna 1.6!)...Blimey, can't believe I'm waxing so lyrical about a car...but, it was a truly exhilarating experience and one I'd highly recommend to all you power crazy gals out there!
(Me-Mo is offering a 10% discount on featured Red Letter Days Experiences- go to
http://www.me-mo.co.uk/ and click on the Red Letter Days ad, book your gift experience, and enter MEMO08 at the checkout)
Photo courtesy of Thruxton Motorsports
Labels: womens online driving magazine
Me-Mo Wins E-Den Final!
For anyone who loves Dragon's Den- we have very good news.... as Me-Mo has just won almost £6,000 worth of internet consultancy prizes from Bluhalo digital agency and Refreshed Media ..in a local (Dorset) business 'E-Den' competition, held at Bournemouth University on September 18th! (If you have a Flash player, you can check out some of the happenings on the night at:
www.isstv.tv then go to the Business section). We will be making use of their invaluable advice to improve the look, feel and efficiency of the site over the coming months
Labels: womens online driving magazine
Back in the UK!
Just a minor hitch today, on the motorway from Arles to Barcelona, when a nasty red light came up on the dashboard...everything was OK though, after we'd given Christine a drink of water...(I now even know where to put brake fluid, which is quite an achievement for somebody who has a phobia of even lifting a car bonnet!).After four long driving days, covering seven countries, and at least 1,400 miles, Christine is finally at her destination- awaiting pick-up from a friend's son and his mates, from Barcelona airport....We love you Christine, and we'll miss you!
(And thank you to everyone who's supported our efforts in raising money for Stallcombe House)x
Labels: womens online driving magazine
Christine Approaches Another Hairpin Bend!
Labels: womens online driving magazine
Christine and Ruthie on the San Bernadino Pass
Labels: womens online driving magazine
Hello Monaco!
Christine really had a chance to spread her wings yesterday- about 120 miles of mountain bends followed by a couple of hundred miles on the Cote d'Azur motorway, passing Nice, Monaco and on to Arles, in the French Camargue.
We are on our last leg(s?) today- zooming straight down to Barcelona and the airport...where Christine will be getting some new owners, who will hopefully bring her back to England in all her glory (stickers and all!)
Update tomorrow,
Love from The Girls x
Labels: womens online driving magazine
Christine Does 'The Italian Job!'
Christine has done us proud yet again...we left Switzerland to cross the San Bernadino Pass into Italy (as in 'The Italian Job') in pouring rain, buffeted by icy winds and snow (photo to follow), and she still managed to get us into Turin in time for lunch! She's now having a breather at a ski resort in Italy (and so are we) until tomorrow morning, when we set off for the South of France (we're trying to steer her clear of the casinos in Monaco).
More tomorrow!
Love Ruthie, Helen (and Christine)
Labels: womens online driving magazine
Greetings from Switzerland (and France,Belgium,Luxembourg and Germany!)
Christine (our old banger) sends her love from all of the above countries-she's carried us through French torrential rain, Belgian downpours, Luxembougeoise drizzle, German sunshine and Swiss mist, in a mere ten hours- and she's still purring along motorways quite happily. At the moment, we love her so much, we could hug her! She's brought us in to our first pitstop, at Thun, in Switzerland, in good form (and , incidentally, far ahead of a lot of other teams...but we've got to keep reminding ourselves that this isn't a race!)
We head off to Sauze d'Oux tomorrow, around perrilous Alpine passes, with few safety barriers!
Wish us luck- hope to speak to you again tomorrow!
Labels: womens online driving magazine
Christine's Got Wings!
With only four days to go now, Christine's just about ready to fly off to Lille with her new 'Wing Mirrors' (she's particularly proud of these, but just hopes that they, in turn, don't fly off...!) Don't forget, you can sponsor us (well, Christine, really) to help support Stallcombe House at:www.justgiving.com/ruthcollierlarge...Wish us luck!! We'll update you daily on our adventures from Lille to Barcelona...
Ruthie and Helen
Labels: womens online driving magazine
Oooh! Christine-You're Gorgeous!!
Our gorgeous gal (oh alright, car) Christine has had a bit of a makeover and, truth be told, she looks fantastic!! ...She has scrubbed up a treat (thanks to those lovely boys at Stripes in Poole). Christine now loves cruising the streets and is getting fit for her long slog from Lille to Barcelona, taking in seven countries, in just eight days time. She's very proud of her Me-Mo stickers and can't wait to slap her Wacky Rally ones on too-but is probably going to have to wait until we reach Lille for that part of her makeover.
It's amazing what a bit of a primp can do for a gal...she now looks a million dollars (instead of the 250 quid we paid for her...Oh-kindly donated by Helen -my co-driver's-husband).
Christine Wears:
Light Green Flower Seat Covers (£38.50) from Me-Mo
Funky Flower Steering Wheel Cover (£6.99) from Me-Mo
Hello Kitty Mirror Cover (£5.99) from Me-Mo
Lei Lady Lei Coconut Scented Dangly Thingy (£2.50) from Me-Mo
Green and Pink Travel Blankets (£7.95) from Me-Mo
Cow Dice (£3.99) from Me-Mo
Ted Shreds Surfwax Air Freshener (£2.99) from Me-Mo
Pink Revelation Car Mat Set (£29.99) from Me-Mo
(Keep up with the Barmy to Barcelona Wacky Rally here, or at
www.wackyrally.co.uk Team: Me-Mo Mother Truckers)
Labels: womens online driving magazine