Saturday, August 16, 2008

Here’s our trusty banger, a J Reg Peugeot 309, bought for £250 from William, a driving instructor, who assures us that ‘Christine’ (anyone else seen the John carpenter film?-a so-bad-that-it’s-good-sort-of-old-movie about a car that kills people it takes a dislike to.....yikes!) has ‘another 100,000 miles in her’...Well, we’re certainly going to be testing her out on our Barmy to Barcelona Wacky Rally in September, in aid of Stallcombe House Trust (www.stallcombehouse.co.uk) driving from Lille, Northern France to Barcelona, taking in seven countries. Watch this space for an update of how Christine gets to look at least 10 Years Younger-after a Me-Mo makeover!